Do you feel like coaching isn't for you? I used to feel just the same...until I experienced it. Previously I had had weekly Jungian Psychotherapy for 6 years and didn't see how coaching could help me much by comparison. Nonetheless, I found the empowering dynamism of coaching and the enormous variety of coaches available undermined that view. I have pulled together 5 coaching MythBusters which I hope will also help you!

Coaching is not for me because:
1. Coaching is self-indulgent
o Many of us have been taught to put ourselves last on the list. When you think about the impact we all have on one another - and the environment - how much we are affected by those who inspire us, and those whose actions hurt us, it becomes clear just how important our personal development is for others as well as ourselves. Whatever your role in life, investing in your personal development will have a vital impact on your quality of life and those around you.
2. Coaching is all about goals and performance
o Don’t be fooled! Good coaching is a holistic process which has the ability to go deep, and open the way to new attitudes and circumstances. Coaching for performance is only one aspect of coaching, and, while making goals can form part of any coaching approach, the reasons for our performance challenges, and the authenticity of our goals are vital to explore as part of that process. There is a very great variety of coaches out there, from spiritual coaches to career coaches, and many would argue that whatever their area of focus, good coaching is for the whole person, recognising that our inner and outer lives are inextricably linked.
3. Anyone can coach
o A trained, experienced coach has specific skills in self-awareness, listening, responding, challenging and space holding for their clients’ personal and professional development. So, talking with a trained coach is more than a conversation with a friend, colleague or manager and is free from the personal agenda held by people closely connected to us. Coaches who also invest in supervision hold themselves to high account and standards of self-exploration, ensuring a more valuable coaching experience for you. While coaching is not a regulated industry, there are recognised credentials to look out for. For example a diploma accredited by the Association for Coaching or other body, or being personally accredited. Of course, in terms of training, I’d say Wise Goose offers the finest course – but then I would!
4. Coaching is too expensive
o So often we wait for a crisis before finally investing in ourselves. Is this really such a smart move when there are a wide variety of coaches out there, some of whom may be happy to tailor their prices to suit your pocket? And as little as a single session can make all the difference, although a programme or set of sessions is often advised for maximum impact. Look out for programmes that make for an overall discount on hourly rate, inquire about group sessions and or personal discounts, you might be surprised and pleased. Don’t rule yourself out! It’s the old question of ‘can you afford not to?’
5. Coaching is not for people like me
o Why not? To quote poet Mary Oliver, “What will you do with this one wild and precious life?” Don’t you deserve to learn a little more about yourself? To uncover your hidden strengths? To surprise yourself and others? To follow your heart and live a little more free – or even a whole lot more free? Coaching is not for a certain set of people only, but instead is part of our collective evolution: in learning about ourselves we learn about the universe. Of course not everybody is always ready to be coached all the time. Here’s a test to see if coaching is for you just now: Do you yearn for something different? Is there a mismatch between your dreams and your reality? Are you struggling with something? Are you challenged by a situation or person? Then…coaching is for you!